Monday, May 18, 2009

We got the New Look here at RadioJew's Revenge on Erev Shabbos B'Har-B'Chukosai, the same day the first video went up. It was a cheery Shabbos. The next four or five in the series are in pre-production and, resources permitting, will be up and out shortly.

* * * * *
So we now know that, as in all other things, the best comedian in our new admin in D.C. is Baruch Obama Himself. I've not seen the complete transcript of his recent gig at the Washington Press Club, but the sound bites I've heard show that, after two successful terms in office, during which he'll save the country, enlighten the world, and keep a constant flow of fairy dust sparkling over a freshly-scrubbed planet, he could make a second career in comedy.
Of course, the thing he's trying to do at this moment is to persuade Mr PM Netanyahu to join his predecessors in office by signing off on land giveaways, one of the few places where I part company with the Obama administration. Thank G-d, Mr PM Netanyahu has Mr Lieberman close by to remind him why he's back in office.
I would hope that Mr PM Netanyahu is coming with his own agenda, one item of which pertains to, at long last, making a proper claim on Temple Mount. The IDF liberated Temple Mount in 1967 and then, for unknown reasons, gave it back to the Arabs. This is Jewish land in the undivided capital of the Jewish nation, and it's well past time the Arab squatters clear off their shacks, lean-to's and souvenir stands from our real estate. We're forty years behind schedule building the Third Temple already.
Somehow, I find that scenario unlikely.
There's a load of protesters in D.C. for the occasion, including a big contingent from Hadar HaTorah. Sorry. They'll be out of earshot and visual range of the guys making the decisions. They'll get a few seconds' coverage on the Evening News, but I doubt it will have much impact.
* * * * *
On the local news front (yes, we do a little), we're having our occasional elections for Community Council. As in the Radio Daze, I'm not making an endorsement (also known as Bestowing The Kiss of Death), as I see no reason to jinx the candidacy of anyone I like.
Like any local election, there have been the obligatory town hall meetings and campaign posters. My favorite poster placement has a Yossel Mochkin poster right in front of Kingston Pizza. Certainly a random-chance accident, but one I find amusing.

* * * * *
Speaking of long-term concerns, I'm posting an e-mail I got last week, complete with a link I highly recommend. The issue of demographics came up frequently during the Radio Daze, and I wish I'd had this link to point to then, even though it would have taken an entire segment to give over the URL.

Dear Friends,

I know I've sent out many emails on various muslim
topics, but someone just sent me this link. If the information in this video is
correct, this is probably the most unique and most serious email you have ever
seen on this topic.

It is not violent or gory; it is not "bashing" Islam
in any way; it has nothing to do with Israel; yet it is one of the scariest
things I have ever seen. (which is why i'm taking the time to write this silly

You must see this, and please forward it to every non-muslim
you know.

Yaakov (Jonathan)
* * * * *
The good news is, there's a solution to the above problem: Jews, find another Jew, fall in love, stomp the glass, and Breed Like Mad! You'll like it, trust me.
Keep watchin' for new stuff, and thanx, UTube, for the stars.
Golus, however, still sucks.
Moshiach Now!
Free Manny!

1 comment:

  1. The growth of Islam really doesn't bother me. The don't take such great strides to convert Jews like the Christians do. Through out my experience in the military Muslims tend to be ten times more respectful to us than Christians have ever been.
